Event Tech That Works For You, Not Against You

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In this episode of Magdalena Bonnelly's Meeting Space podcast, Accelevents CEO and Founder Jonathan Kazarian shares his vision for the company: technology should make life easier for event organizers, not harder! That’s why, nine years ago, he set off to create a platform with flexible, intuitive features backed by the most responsive customer support in the industry. 

Today, event profs around the world use Accelevents to build stunning event pages, create advanced registration flows, accelerate their check-in process, automatically onboard speakers and exhibitors, and much more. The entire platform is engineered from the ground up to work seamlessly, no matter how complex your event needs are!

If that sounds intriguing, listen to Jonathan’s story and his take on the latest event tech trends to watch. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn, where he regularly shares his latest insights.

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