While free event management software or managing events by spreadsheet may initially seems more cost-effective paid platforms like Accelevents or Eventbrite, there are hidden costs

Why Opting for Free Event Management Software Might Not Be Your Best Bet

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In the challenging world of event planning, the allure of free software is undeniable - particularly for nonprofits! After all, who doesn't love a good bargain, particularly in difficult times of economic crisis and budget cuts?

The thought of leveraging free event management software to streamline your event planning process, from event website creation to check-in, seems like a no-brainer. But as the saying goes, the best things in life aren't always free, especially regarding the tools that support event organizers in executing seamless events. Let's dive into why opting for free event management solutions might not always be the silver bullet you’re looking for.

photo of event professionals discussing the social media timeline and messaging for an upcoming event displayed on a laptop

The Hidden Costs of Free Event Management Software

Limited Functionality: The Tip of the Iceberg

Free event management platforms often come with a catch: limited functionality. You may be able to create a basic landing page using a clunky website builder, perhaps even set up a super simple registration form. But what about your more sophisticated needs like customizable rsvp workflows, custom branding, robust email marketing tools, or real-time event data integrations with your CRM? These are essential requirements for many event planners.

When you choose a free event planning tool, you might find yourself needing additional software solutions to fill the gaps, which can complicate your workflow and ultimately increase the final cost of managing your event.

image of event professional working on event task management

Scalability: A Roadblock to Growth

Imagine your next event expanding in size and complexity, requiring more automations and a more sophisticated, robust registration and ticketing system. Free event management software often falls short in scalability, making it challenging to adapt to the evolving demands of online, in-person, and hybrid events. As your event grows, the last thing you want is to be constrained by software that can't keep up, forcing you to migrate to a more comprehensive event management system in haste.

image of a customer support rep providing support to an event professional on how to customize their event website template and how to set up event notifications

Support: Navigating Without a Compass

A significant drawback of free event management platforms is the absence of dedicated support. When you're in the thick of event planning, having access to responsive support can be the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown crisis. Free platforms rarely offer the assistance needed to navigate complex issues, leaving event organizers to fend for themselves in critical moments. You may be better off considering a premium event management platform like Accelevents, which offers 24/7 support with  an average response time of 22 seconds. Yes, you read that right, 22 seconds!

Security: A Gamble With Data

Security is another major concern with free event management tools. In today's digital age, safeguarding sensitive event information and attendee data is more critical than ever. Free platforms may not invest heavily in security measures, potentially exposing your event to risks and breaches. This vulnerability can undermine stakeholder trust and jeopardize the integrity of your event, making the free event planning software a risky proposition for event professionals.

computer screen displaying Accelevents integration functionality

Integrations: A Fractured Experience

When juggling the many moving parts of event planning, how well your event management software or event ticketing solution talks to the other tools you use makes a big difference.

‍Whether it’s through native integrations, APIs, or something like Zapier,  seamlessly linking your event platform with other systems is key. You'll want your event software to play nice with CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Marketo, email marketing software like Active Campaign, payment processing platforms like Square and Stripe.

‍These integrations are game-changers, helping you send out invites, manage online ticketing and registrations, and handle credit card payments without breaking a sweat. The catch with free event software? It often skimps on integrations, making it harder to keep everything running smoothly.

‍That lack of integrations can lead to disjointed workflows and data silos, where critical information gets trapped in one system and can't be used where it's needed most. This increases everyone’s workload and elevates the risk of errors as data is manually transferred between systems.

group of event executives discussing how to set up attendee polling at their upcoming event

Building a Foundation for Successful Events

When planning your upcoming events, it's crucial to choose an event management solution that meets your current needs and supports your future event strategy. Free event management software might seem appealing now, but consider the long-term impact on your brand, the quality of the attendee experience, and the overall success of your event marketing efforts.

Opting for a comprehensive, user-friendly event management platform like Accelevents ensures you have flexible tools to build stunning event pages, orchestrate event promotions, sell tickets, manage online registrations, and boost attendee engagement.

In Conclusion: The True Value of Your Event Management Software

Your main goal is to create unforgettable experiences for your event attendees, make life easier for your team members, and drive up event bookings and attendee engagement with savvy event marketing. Don't let the initial savings of free event management software distract you from achieving the standout events you aim for!

While the initial appeal of free event management software, especially under tight budget constraints, may catch your eye, limitations in functionality, scalability, support, security, and integrations could actually end up costing you more down the line!

We're fans of choosing a single platform that really gets behind your event vision, from kicking off the project management and planning phase to gathering those insightful post-event surveys. It's the smarter move to keep costs in check without compromising on event quality!

Not quite convinced? Dive into our guide to the best event management software on the market. We explain what to consider when choosing an event platform and feature the best event management and event registration solutions.

If you’re interested in offering attendees a mobile event app, read our tips on picking a user-friendly mobile app. And finally, if it’s just ticket sales you’re after, you guessed it, we’ve also got a guide on choosing the best online ticketing platform!

P.S. Shameless plug: Accelevents is a comprehensive event platform and app for onsite, hybrid, and virtual events. We support onsite and online events of any size: conferences, trade shows, seminars, workshops, fundraisers, and more. Contact us for a demo; we’ll give you a tour and explain our (surprisingly affordable) pricing plans!

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