What is a hybrid event

What is a Hybrid Event?

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Hybrid events have come a long way since their post-pandemic inception, blending in-person and virtual experiences to offer unmatched flexibility and a broader reach. For event planners, mastering hybrid formats is key to meeting modern audience expectations. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding this dynamic format is crucial.

In this post, we'll explain what a hybrid event is, outline its pros and cons, share best practices for planning, and much more. Ready to dive in? Let's get started.

What is a Hybrid Event?

The term "hybrid" means combining two different elements.

  • In the events industry, a hybrid everges onsite and virtual event components.
  • Event professionals typically host a traditional event (like a trade show or conference) with the added virtual event component in one single event platform.

Chances are you have attended versions of a hybrid event before, but you maybe didn’t realize it!

The Nature of Hybrid Events

  • A hybrid event isn't about presenting the same content to both onsite and online audiences. Instead, think of it as hosting two distinct events, each tailored to its specific audience for a more impactful attendee experience.
  • A hybrid event goes beyond merely streaming a physical event online. While streaming counts, the true essence of a hybrid event is its ability to connect people in person and allow online audiences to join in as well.
  • While content can be similar across both formats, design exclusive components for each. This approach enhances the overall experience for both in-person and online attendees.
  • Hybrid events can range from high-production value setups to more straightforward streaming services. Choose the level of production that best suits your event's goals and budget.
  • Hybrid events are user-friendly, offering attendees the flexibility to participate in their preferred format, either in-person or online. This dual approach enhances networking opportunities through both physical and virtual channels.
What is a hybrid event

How Does a Hybrid Event Work?

  • A hybrid event is generally hosted by a company, event management team, and supporting staff, like videographer, event organizer, emcee, audio team, and IT support team.
  • Hybrid events work best when both elements are well attended. You want an appropriate number of attendees online and in person.
  • The team organizing the event will usually have to decide on the event style, event dates and times, how each of the hosting formats will work, the event management platform for hosting the event, how to sell tickets, the event marketing strategy, and the post-event follow up.
  • Hybrid events typically have presenters. These individuals can submit a request to present at a session or be asked by the organizing team to present as a general presenter or keynote speaker. These events usually have some sponsorship or partnerships opportunities as well to increase funding.

Examples of Hybrid Events

Hybrid events can be a live-streamed product reveal, which is very common in the tech world, or it can be a trade show with an in-person event and an exclusive online app. Here are two examples of a hybrid event:

  • Apple’s Hybrid Events: Apple has been using a hybrid format for its product launches for some time now. With an in-person audience watching the presentation, the entire event is broadcast online to a global audience. This allows tech junkies, media, and industry experts to watch live from anywhere in the world.
  • Twitchcon: The gaming industry is known for putting on great events. Last year, the popular streaming platform, Twitch, hosted Twitchcon in a hybrid format. This gave fans a chance to meet their favorite game streamers in real life (IRL). It makes sense that Twitch’s steller streaming service would be able to connect fans online to the IRL meeting as well.
Hybrid event planning

How Do You Create a Hybrid Event?

Creating a hybrid event is easier said than done. To start, you have to be prepared to host two event styles at the same time. This means you are essentially running two events simultaneously. Be prepared with on-site personnel as well as virtual IT support staff!

Here are some basics for creating a hybrid strategy:

  • Come up with an event theme or topic.
  • Decide the event duration (one or multiple days, multiple weekends).
  • Recruit presenters and keynote speakers.
  • Map out your event marketing strategy (event target audience, geo and time zones, event content, marketing channels & promotional tactics) .
  • Choose and set up your event technology:some text
  • ~Secure a hybrid event platform to stream live and on-demand content to remote attendees.
  • ~Design your event website.
  • ~Configure your registration and ticketing tools.
  • ~Set up check-in and badge printing for your in-person attendees.
  • ~Set up a mobile event app (agenda with speaker profiles and session descriptions, exhibitor and sponsor booths, real-time push notifications, in-app surveys & live polls)
  • ~Set up your virtual engagement tools (virtual lounges, breakout rooms, Ai-powered networking, gamification).
  • ~Select your audio visual providers - high quality broadcasts are key for an immersive experience!
  • Find a physical venue.
  • Attract high-quality exhibitors, sponsors and partners.

While there are many little steps to take, you will need to plan out every aspect of your event to ensure it is successful.

How to Host a Hybrid Event

  • Upon hosting your event, be sure to have event planners and event management staff in-person and online.
  • You’ll need a host to coordinate the schedule, and you’ll also want point people available to step in should issues arise.
  • Make sure you practice with your presenters and with your event hosting team so that the schedule goes off without a hitch. You’ll also need to send out preliminary materials to your attendees (and presenters) so that they know how to access both the in-person site and the online app.

Hybrid Event Ideas

Your goals in running a hybrid event will determine the event details. For example, if you are running the hybrid event for lead generation, then you’ll want to make sure that you have the event set up for lead capture and, depending, lead scoring.

  • Your event format, agenda, content, and tools, should all work toward your event goal.
  • By requiring registration and ticketing through your event management platform, and using this same system to host the streaming, your metrics will all be in one place.
  • You can consider running a product launch, a student recruitment event, a massive networking event, or revealing a rebrand.
  • Make sure to add in some unique virtual event ideas for audience engagement in the online format.
  • Events are an excellent marketing tool and can be used for everything from growth acceleration to community building.
Gamification in events

Top Hybrid Event Gamification Ideas

Your hybrid event should have some elements of fun, which boost attendee engagement, create an amazing hybrid experience, facilitate networking, and reach a wider audience online. Come up with hybrid event gamification ideas for your event content, such as:

  • Rewarding your virtual audience with points for performing certain actions such as liking social media posts, connecting with exhibitors, or completing polls.
  • Creating competition between the online audience and the guests at the event venue.
  • Posting to social media and hashtagging the event.
  • Coming up with a fun game that can be played by both in-person and virtual attendees (like racing remote-controlled cars!).
  • Bringing in VR for in-person participants and AR for online attendees.

Gamification ideas should have rewards, interaction, an element of analytics, and they should be fun!

Hybrid Event Best Practices

Running a hybrid event is no easy feat. To achieve event success, make sure to follow these best practices:

  • Start planning as early as possible and anticipate potential delays to stay ahead.
  • Rigorously test all event tools to ensure smooth operation during the event.
  • Confirm the capabilities and limitations of your event platform with your vendor early in the planning process.
  • Establish a regular meeting schedule with your event platform account manager to address any issues promptly.
  • Prioritize creating networking opportunities - onsite, via an event app, and virtually. Hybrid events thrive on connections.
  • Stick to your budget to avoid overspending.
  • Track everything; analytics are invaluable for measuring success and making improvements.

While a hybrid event can be stressful, what’s the point without having a little fun!

Tips for a Successful Hybrid Event

While there are many avenues that you can take with a hybrid event, there are some things that you can do to ensure that it is a successful event.

  • Consider your hybrid event like a marketing campaign. You’ll want to market to dedicated audience demographics, including primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences. Also, consider post-event engagement strategies.
  • How will attendees register for the event? Each audience type will need its own registration path and marketing path. Meet the audience and funnel them towards your registration page by offering them content or add-ons such as courses that are useful to them in their work or daily lives.
  • Make sure all vendors and sponsors have signed clear contracts and that they make sense for our event and our audience. Misaligned content and sponsorship can send mixed messages and prevent your event from reaching its full potential.

Why Hybrid Events Are Valuable

Hybrid events encourage more attendees at your event and allow you to connect with demographics who cannot attend your live event. It also reduces the amount of physical travel that your attendees will do, saving on costs and environmental concerns. Hybrid events can:

  • Improve ROI: Virtual access can be sold for a fraction of the in-person ticket price allowing more people to attend. On top of that, these speaker sessions and presentations can be used as promotional assets down the road, reducing overall marketing costs.
  • Provide Useful Audience Data: Virtual event components provide excellent attendee engagement metrics that can be used to analyze behavior and improve future event offerings.
  • Increase Reach: Physical events have many attendance barriers. Travel, timing, cost, and more. Providing an online attendance option removes many of these barriers and opens the event to a wider audience.

Hybrid events are the way of the future, and they will allow more audiences to connect with your brand in the coming years. Use hybrid events for your marketing needs, especially brand awareness and growth generation!

Host Stellar Hybrid Events with Accelevents!

Accelevents is a comprehensive event management platform that makes hosting all event types: hybrid, virtual, and in person, a breeze.

With robust registration and ticketing tools, integrated live streaming capabilities, video editing tools, custom branding options, an event website builder, native gamification options, data capture capabilities, and friendly customer support, Accelevents is the only platform you need!

Contact us today to get started!

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