Join us to receive the most recent legislative updates, information from DHHS and more. We hope to see you there!
We are super excited to SEE everyone in PERSON! It has been far too long since we have been together! Registration is open.
Morning Session:
The meeting will begin with Benchmarks' President and CEO, Karen McLeod, as she hosts the meeting for us and shares her latest insights and experience from the across systems.
Following her opening, we will hear from Jay Ludlam, Medicaid Director, as he shares the latest updates and engage in a Q & A with our audience.
Topics will include (but are not limited to):
•DHHS Updates for Medicaid Transformation;
•Standard Plans;
•Tailored Plans;
•1115 Waiver Updates;
•Healthy Opportunities News and Updates;
•The Latest from the Legislature.
Afternoon Panel:
Topics will include (but are not limited to):
•The latest information related to Medicaid Transition;
•What providers should be working on while we wait for a budget;