Thank you for joining the 14th Annual Paint for Preservation art auction, the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust's (CELT's) signature fundraiser, known as one of the premier art auctions in Maine. The 31 artists here were juried in for a weekend of painting outdoors on locations that highlight the stunning beauty of Cape Elizabeth's natural areas. Artists donate a portion of sales to benefit CELT's land conservation, stewardship, and education programs.
The Cape Elizabeth Land Trust (CELT) permanently conserves and provides stewardship for lands cherished by our community—from shorelands to marshes, from farmlands to woodlands—for the education, use, and enjoyment of this and future generations. Since 1985 CELT has conserved and cared for more than 842 acres on 31 properties. CELT is still a grassroots organization dependent on community involvement and volunteerism. We invite you to join our organization in support of our ongoing conservation efforts.
A Special Thank You to our Host Committee*
A Special Thank You to our Host Committee*