A virtual training event for women in ministry
This event will begin on Oct. 29 at 5:00 PM (EDT) - if you need to figure out what day/time that would be in your time zone, please go here. The event will be live from 5:00 PM (EDT) - 9:00 PM (EDT). Those who purchased tickets before the event begins will have access to the event until Jan. 28, 2021.
***Please note: If you are registering more than one person, please have each email address for each individual ticket holder.***
This unique virtual training event will bring together women’s ministry leaders, women in ministry, missionaries and church planting wives from around the globe. Designed, planned and led by women’s ministry consultants from multiple Baptist state conventions, this four-hour training will address the needs you have right now in your women’s ministry.
Based on Ephesians 4:1-16, the goal of “OneDay·OneFocus” is to help those involved in women’s ministry to understand that, while we all have differing roles in kingdom work, our aim is the same: to make disciples. Susie Hawkins is the keynote speaker and Emily Rhyder from Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh will lead worship.
Women’s ministry consultants from many state conventions will lead the breakout sessions, which will focus in the areas of disciple-making, spiritual disciplines, leadership, ministry in a COVID-19 context and the needs of women. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to hear from International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries and North American Mission Board (NAMB) church planter wives about their work and opportunities for partnership. Representatives from the women’s programs of the six Southern Baptist seminaries will also participate to share what they offer women’s ministry leaders. The event will conclude with a time of corporate prayer for our nation and churches.
All money collected beyond the cost of hosting OneDay·OneFocus will be given to the Annie Armstrong and Lottie Moon offerings.
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