Thank you for your interest in Hope Week 2024! This event has a hybrid option. In Person is at the location listed in Tumwater and the online option is on zoom.
Registration is required and lunch will be provided for this event.
The morning session is designed for executive leaders interested in learning about how they can deploy the science of hope to improve the well-being and resilience of their staff, clients and communities. Dr. Chan Hellman, Director of the Hope Research Center at the University of Oklahoma, will share examples of public agency and court leaders who nurture hope to make statistically significant organizational change - including reducing staff turnover and burnout, and increasing the trust and engagement of people they serve.
The purpose of the afternoon event is for child welfare leaders to come together in conversation about hope and healing within the child welfare courts culture. Research has shown that nurturing hope as a leader can improve court culture and reduce staff burnout. You will also learn how to utilize hope to create projects and policies that increase hope within your organization and system.
For Dependency Judicial Officers and Court Administrators traveling more than 50 miles there is reimbursement available. The Administrative Office of the Courts will cover airfare or rental car, hotel, a per diem for food and pro tem coverage. Reimbursement will only be available to those who attend the full day of sessions.