Virtusales Publishing Solutions is delighted that the BiblioU Annual Meeting will take place again this year in two, half-day sessions on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st September 2022, commencing at the following times (depending on your time zone):
6am-9:30am PT
9am-12:30pm ET
2pm-5:30pm BST
3pm-6:30pm CET
Join us to access inspiring presentations and in-depth discussions on the ways the new BiblioSuite of publishing software and its solutions can better your business.
Showcasing your fellow Biblio users' latest implementations and optimizations, this event will offer practical advice and insights into how you can utilize your system to further improve your digital processes and workflows.
Registration is free and open to all Biblio users, worldwide.
Attend to learn about the latest BiblioSuite developments from the Virtusales team and to identify the areas of your business which can be bettered by learning from fellow users’ experiences and success stories.
View the full Programme and Speakers List via the tabs, above.
NB: the networking session on the second day of the event will run until
10am PT, 1pm ET, 6pm BST and 7pm CET.