Soft Land Expo: USA Edition (SLEUSA) is a bi-directional event that will connect both international companies seeking to enter the U.S. market and U.S. companies seeking to internationalize to global markets with key agencies, resources, and service providers to support their success. SLEUSA will include:
Audience: Leaders of international companies that are seeking to enter the U.S. market and leaders of U.S. companies that are seeking to expand globally, federal and state trade & investment agencies, import/export resources, venture capitalists and other funders, and a wide array of support services.
Starts: Tuesday, 27 October 2020, 12:00 PM GMT (that’s 8:00 AM New York time)
Ends: Wednesday, 28 October 2020, 12:00 PM GMT
Yes, this is a 24-hour event! We want to make it easy for companies all over the world and in every time zone to access this content and these connections.
Where: Online…easy on your travel, time, and budget and no risk of Coronavirus
Opportunities to Participate:
More Information?
Contact: Bill Kenney
+1 (860) 573-4821