Register for the ACSI Jr & Sr Music Festival-Olivet Festival at Olivet Nazarene University on Fri-Sat, March 7-8, 2025.
Pre-register by October 15th to receive the list of required pieces and other resources. Final numbers and payment are due by Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
Program Liaison: Anne Hauser Liaison's Email:
Festival Location: Olivet Nazarene University, One University Av, Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Host School: Aurora Christian School, Aurora, IL Host School Phone: 630-264-3986
Eligibility: Students in grades 7-12 who play/sing in their school's band/orchestra/choir
Participation Limits: Students may participate in only one ensemble. Conductors: Guest Directors are provided by ACSI.
Fees: $55.00 per student per entry. Chaperones $30.00. There is no longer a school registration fee.
Registration: Opens August 9th. pre-register by October 15th, final numbers due by January 21st, 2025.
Your Program Liaison will communicate with you about scheduling and other event- specific information.
Once you register with ACSI, Mrs. Hauser will share information including music lists, schedules, individual student participation links, part assignments and director responsibilities via Google drive. Teachers will be invited to the Google drive after their school has registered. Please bookmark the Google drive as soon as you receive the invitation. It is important to register by October 15th to have adequate preparation time.
● READ, READ, READ and then email or call the Program Liaison with questions.
● You will complete and send participation forms to your Program Liaison, Mrs. Anne Hauser by January 21, 2025.
● All participation/admission fees should be paid online before or by Monday, January 21, 2025, but schools must pre-register at least one group by October 15th to receive the required music list and resources to have adequate time to prepare. You will select your payment method and pay with a credit card.
● The Google drive will include a form which will allow you to register your students by vocal/instrumental part and ensemble.
● All payments and forms are due by Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Any changes made to participation lists after January 21, must be emailed to and NOT be updated via the Google drive.
● In the case of band and orchestra, students not enrolled by this time will be assigned parts as needed in the ensembles once they are registered.
● Students may only participate in one ensemble.
● Questions about participation lists should go to the Program Liaison.
● Schools no longer need to provide medical forms to the Program Liaison. At the time of registration, schools will read and acknowledge the following statement online:
"Schools should ensure there is adequate insurance coverage for the school, students, and sponsors/teachers as ACSI does not assume responsibility for insurance. The school's student accident insurance should cover
most reasonable and customary medical expenses. Workers' Compensation coverage should cover sponsors/teachers."
● Students must be well chaperoned at all times while at the festival (including hotel). Plan to bring one adult for every 10 high school students and one adult for every 5 junior high students. Schools should ensure that all staff and chaperones provided by your school meet the school’s internal policies and standards as well as state
requirements for working with children in a K-12 private school setting.
● Music selections will be shared with participating schools no later than December 15. All schools are responsible for acquiring the music well in advance of festival and preparing the music prior before the first rehearsal on Friday.
● Soloists will be determined by audition at festival on Friday afternoon. Teachers may be asked to submit names of students wanting to perform solos prior to festival. Every effort will be made to include students from multiple schools, however, overall preparation will be the final determining factor.
● Should a date conflict arise for you or your students, it should be resolved before submitting the School Participation Form. Once submitted, the festival should become the priority. At any time, should your school decide to withdraw from the festival, inform the Program Liaison as soon as possible. Please plan carefully, there will be no refunds.
● Because of the difficulty in making up the schedule, the number of students involved and the amount of music to be rehearsed, it is imperative that everyone is on time for all rehearsals. Schedules will be distributed with plenty of time to make the necessary travel arrangements.
● Copyright information for music purchased on the web. Music purchased online, downloaded, and printed from your computer is permissible if copyright permission is granted specifically to the user. A copy of the purchase receipt must be attached. The purpose for requiring original printed music is that we can be sure that the royalty
has been paid and copyright law obeyed. When music is downloaded online, the purchaser agrees to a specific copyright agreement that limits the use of the piece to one person. They may either print a receipt from their computer screen that confirms that they have paid for it, or they will have a receipt that is emailed to them.