What is Gaia-X?
Gaia-X is a digital ecosystem, working to create an environment in which data can be shared and stored under the control of data owners and users. Where rules are defined and respected, so that data and services can easily be made available. Gaia-X has the potential to create unprecedented opportunities for innovative, data-driven business models and new solutions that help European companies of all sizes and industries to scale up and compete globally.
GAIA-X will:
What is 'Gaia-X for Belgium?'
‘Gaia-X for Belgium’ is an open community of cloud stakeholders, active in Belgium, which is part of the European Gaia-X community. It will focus on bundling interest in Belgium to bring Belgian requirements and usecases towards Gaia-X and facilitate the scaling up of Gaia-X use cases.
Gaia-X for Belgium will support the Gaia-X-Association in its endeavour to set up and establish a well-functioning federated data infrastructure following Gaia-X policy rules, standards and the required federation services.