First Responder Symposium/Isaac “Skippy” Greenlaw Memorial Bike Ride for Mental Health Awareness & PTSD
First Responder Issues: In some cases, first responders might experience symptoms of PTSD, such as intrusive memories about the event, flashbacks, nightmares, fear, physical tension or agitation, emotional numbness, and a desire to avoid talking or thinking about the traumatic event. Depression and suicide are other mental health issues particularly relevant to first responders. The rates of suicide and depression are also higher among first responders, possibly at least in part due to the many environmental stressors they face. Many suffer in silence as stigma prevents first responders from accessing support. Working in stressful and traumatic situations can take a toll on their mental health. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and suicide rates are much higher in first responders than in most other professions. Canadian first responders experience twice the rate of PTSD compared to civilians. We’re the first ones to help a complete stranger but we’re the last ones to help ourselves
Keynote Speaker: Dr Laurie Cyr-Martel
Specialties: Doctor of Behavioral Health and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Specializing in Trauma within Emergency Services, and Health and wellness Strategies.
Other guest speakers include first responders from around the country and Canada discussing their front line experiences!
May 8-9 Isaac “Skippy” Greenlaw Memorial Bike Ride
A fully supported 130 mile bike ride from Bangor to Freeport Maine. Rest stops will be provided along the route by local Fire/EMS Stations. A SAG vehicle will be available, no one should feel obligated to ride the whole route, you ride however many miles you want.
Transportation will be offered back to Bangor for those riders that will be doing the 1 day ride from Bangor.
The National EMS Memorial Bike Ride from Boston to National Harbor, MD will begin on May 11.We will make every effort to transport anyone who will be joining the National Ride to Boston. There is a train available, the “Amtrak Downeaster Train” which runs from Freeport to Boston if we are not able to accommodate everyone.
During the symposium and throughout the bike ride, a documentary will be filmed Please donate to the link below to fund the documentary
“Who Will Rescue the Rescuer?”
Stress-Trauma-Emergencies. Every day. Can First Responders Cope?
Any extra money left over at events end will be donated to the making of the documentary.
A list of hotels will be emailed upon registration.
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