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7 Habits of Highly Successful Event Planners

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Successful event planners are not that different from other types of successful people. They have a set of habits and traits that allows them to perform under pressure and just get stuff done! If you’ve ever looked at event managers or planners and wondered, how do they do it or how can I get better at it myself? We’ve got some of the answers! Here’s a list of practices and habits of highly successful event planners:

They are Always Learning

As with most things in life, the people who are willing to learn are going to be the most successful. This can mean learning from past experiences or actively researching what is happening in the industry. Smart planners take a few moments each day to check in with industry news and blogs so they know what’s new in technology or can learn about creative event ideas that are making waves. From vendors to unique catering ideas to marketing strategies, it’s always a good idea to learn from what others are doing.Whether the focus is wedding planning or corporate events, there is always something to learn. Even seasoned event organizers can learn something new!

They Meet Deadlines

Event planning means setting and meeting deadlines. Successful planners know how to prioritize tasks, set goals, and establish a timeline. They use this timeline and its deadlines to keep themselves productive and moving towards their desired end. Sure, there are elements of event planning that are less fun than others but they are all important. From finding and booking the right venue and setting an agenda to branding and ticket sales, event organizers need to stay on top of things. Establishing and sticking to deadlines is one of the main keys to success.

They Practice Self Care

There’s no doubt about it, event planning is a stressful job. Successful event professionals know that they are their own greatest asset.It is important to protect your assets! In order to succeed with an event planning business, it is critical to set time aside to relieve stress and simply enjoy yourself. This could mean a regular exercise routine or meditation technique, or it could mean taking time to unplug and unwind without the stress of external demands.

They Aren’t Afraid to Say No

Successful event planners have clear boundaries. Event planning can easily snowball from something simple and easy to manage into a complete and total disaster. Saying no is how event planners can stick to the budget they are given, manage stress levels, and stick to a clear plan.

They Use Technology

Having the right tools can make tasks so much easier. You wouldn’t use a hand saw to hammer in a nail, right? Any professional event management team worth its salt knows how to use technology to get the job done. This could mean using an event ticketing platform like Accelevents to facilitate ticket sales, process payments, and enable online registration. In today’s world, an online presence is necessary. It is crucial for an event to have an event website that acts as its ‘home’ on the internet. And beyond that, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be used to create awareness and market the event directly to the target audience.

They Nurture Relationships

Relationships are at the heart of any successful business and event planning is no different. People who do well in the industry know that they not only have to network and build new relationships on a regular basis but they also have to nurture the relationships they already have.This means keeping the management team happy. It means looking after event volunteers and employees. If an event planner is able to nurture relationships with vendors, they are likely to create a solid working relationship that can benefit both sides. Relationships with sponsors are also incredibly significant. If a sponsor knows, likes, and works well with, an event planner, making a sponsorship request in the future becomes a whole lot easier. Event planners also need to be able to create relationships with event attendees. If attendees can leave an event feeling like they matter, they are far more likely to attend the same event again in the future AND they may even be interested in events put on by the same planner!

They Welcome Feedback

It is nearly impossible to learn without receiving some feedback. No matter how much hands-on experience someone has, feedback can help. Successful planners welcome the information and use it to grow into future events. One of the ways planners can receive feedback is through post-event surveys. These should be distributed to event attendees, sponsors, and volunteers. If someone is receptive, the information that comes back, both positive and negative, can lead to significant professional growth.

Event planning is a tough job and succeeding in the industry takes a lot of hard work and dedication. These habits, frequently found in successful event planners, are really pretty simple. To truly make a dent in the event planning scene, you need to be organized, deliver on your promises, look after yourself and your relationship, listen to what others have to say, and always be open to learning new things. If you can manage that, you can manage just about anything.

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